Thursday, February 27, 2014

100 Days

It's February 27th, and our trip to Uganda is only 100 DAYS AWAY.

As I draw nearer and nearer to my life-changing journey, I get more and more excited. The team going to Uganda is composed of 11 people in our church ranging from 16 years old to 66 years old. There are 2 men and 9 women (yes, only 2 men). We have recently begun a team Bible study title "Before You Pack Your Bags, Prepare Your Heart" by Cindy Judge. We will be doing this study for the next 8 weeks. Not only are we "preparing our hearts", but we are also beginning to form relationships with each other, discovering each others likes and dislikes, what makes us frustrated, what calms us down, where we are in our spiritual walks, and so on. By doing this, we will be able to work more efficiently as we minister to others and take this journey to a foreign country.

Fundraising is almost complete. God has truly shown that He provides in all circumstances. Not only has He provided enough for me to go on this trip, but He has supplied a large excess of funds from family, friends, and people who I have never even met. I plan to use this money towards another trip or possibly donate it to the organization in Uganda that we are partnering with. The rest of the team is also almost finished with raising the funds for the trip. We also have an overflow account with donations from several people which will be divided between those who have not raised the total amount for the trip.

I will soon begin the process of getting all the required immunizations, medications, etc. needed to travel to Uganda. This will include several shots......eeeeeekkk.

When we get closer to our departure, we will start a culture class which will help us become familiar with where we are going, the people there, their beliefs and traditions, and other aspects of the culture.

As the mission trip to Gulu becomes closer, we will continue to grow as individuals, grow as a team, and grow as part of the body of Christ. To those of you who have supported us, both financially and through prayer, thank you so much. Although God does not need to use you to provide for this trip, He has chosen to use you, which I am so thankful for, and I pray that you would realize the privilege and blessing that that is.

Above everything, praise and glory be to God, who provides, strengthens, and equips us for the privilege of sharing who He is to others.


1 comment:

  1. As I read your post today and look at the calendar I realize we are only 45 days away! The time is ticking by and we stand at the precipice of all that God has been preparing us for. We have completed the bible study and have drawn closer as a team; we are unified in purpose. I am reading Kisses from Katie for the second time and already it feels like I am there. Maybe only you....of all the people I know...will understand our day to depart draws closer, I feel like part of me is heading home. It's almost like my whole life has been leading up to this specific moment in time. I don't know all that God is going to do in and through us on this trip...but I am overwhelmed with expectation and I know that it will transform the landscape of my life permanently. I am more grateful than words can express to be sharing this journey with you and the other 9 people on our team! May He receive every ounce of Glory for what has been accomplished this past year and a half and for everything still yet to come. Love and blessings to you my sweet sister in Christ! ~ Sheri
