Saturday, November 9, 2013

He Will Use Me

Beautiful Feet. It's kind of an oxymoron when you think about it. Beautiful and feet don't typically go together. Feet aren't usually something we find beauty in. They become rough and callused, dirty and smelly, sore and achy. So what could possibly be beautiful about feet?

When I was trying to come up with a name for this blog, I wanted it to have something to do with God's call on my life for foreign missions; however, I also know that a life in foreign missions may or may not be where He ends up taking me, so I knew the name had to somewhat do with missions, but also reflect my life purpose of going wherever He leads and doing whatever He calls me to do.

God brought me to Isaiah 52:7: "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the goods news of peace and salvation, the good news that the God of Israel reigns!" So again, what makes feet beautiful? More importantly, what makes MY disgusting, smelly feet beautiful? Only God could do that. By taking the unworthy, sinful human I am and using me- my imperfections, my flaws, my mistakes, my life- to bring glory to Him and accomplish His purpose, He makes my feet beautiful. When He uses me to tell others of Him and to proclaim His gospel, He makes my feet beautiful. When He uses me to bring love and compassion to the least of these, He makes my feet beautiful. When He uses me in any way, my feet suddenly become beautiful.

The reason I decided to start a blog is mainly for you, my friends and family, to read about what God is doing in my life and where He is leading me. Many of you know I am going to Uganda after I graduate from high school in 2014. This is where the initial idea to start a blog came from- so that I could share my 2 week experience in Uganda with you; however, as I thought about it, I realized keeping a regular blog to share what He is doing in my life wouldn't be a bad idea. Even if no one is reading it, it will be a great way for me to look back on how He has worked in my life. I'm not some super-genius inspirational writer and I don't always have the words to get my thoughts across effectively. I'm a mess. I'm emotional. I'm confusing. And I don't really know how to do this whole blog thing. But I know something- He can use my mess. He can use my emotions. He can use my confusion. He can use all of my imperfections for His perfect plan. And I know that is exactly what He will do.


  1. Alex, your post brought tears to my eyes. You will never know what an inspiration you are to me and to so many others. I love your transparency, your generosity and your heart! I am so honored to be a part of the walk God has called you to, to have been allowed to walk beside you this past year as He grows you into an amazing and wonderful woman and to walk with you on the first step down a road that will ultimately glorify Him with your life. I look forward to following your journey with Him on your blog and to watch all the wonders He will do through your life. I love you sweetie and can't wait to see what He has in store for us in Africa! May God bless and use you honey!

  2. Alex, you are an amazing young woman and I know God will certainly use you. We must humble ourselves, recognize His glory, and be willing. You are certainly demonstrating that you are striving to meet these criteria. Such a wonderful treasure you are to His kingdom! You and the journey you are on will continuously be in my prayers!
